Every two years the Australian and New Zealand Masonic Research Council (ANMRC) invite a Masonic scholar to give a series of lectures to Research Lodges and other Masonic bodies in the southern hemisphere. The ‘touring lecturer’ for 2005 is Robert Cooper, the Curator of the Grand Lodge of Scotland Museum and Library in Edinburgh.

Robert Cooper
A book of the lectures delivered by Brother Robert Cooper will be on sale at the various lecture venues but we are informed that there will be very few, if any, available in this part of the world.
We hope to provide full details of Brother Cooper’s itinerary here once all the details are available. Meantime, there is a considerable amount of material about the origin, purpose and vision of the ANZMRC on their web site.
Once we have Brother Cooper’s itinerary we also hope to post an interview with him, time permitting, on this site.