The Masonic Authors’ Guild International

The Masonic Authors’ Guild International (MAGI) was launched on 24 February 2024.

Since that time more than 150 hours of podcasts are available. You can listen or download these. MAGIs mission is to promote the highest professional, academic and educational standards in writing (and other media) on Freemasonry and related subjects.

The MAGI website went live on 21st February 2025. It contains links to the podcasts and the MAGI Facebook page It shall contain a wealth of material on Freemasonry. For example, research Lodges and societies, sources, papers and interviews. The website is at an early stage. It will take time to come to its full potential – please bear with us!


The Lost Symbol – Breaking the Code

Following our post, below, about Freemasons trying to anticipate what might be in Dan Brown’s latest novel we were rather ‘caught on the hop’ because the day after that post a major article appeared in The Scotsman newspaper entitled The Lost SymbolBreaking the Code. To make matters worse the publication of said article did not reach us until recently. Sad to say US sources reported on the article almost as soon as it was published. We are a bit abashed by that and now there are Post-It notes on our screens – check the press more often!

The first blogger, so far as we know, to pick up on the story was Brother Chris Hodapp, author of Freemasonry For Dummies, on his blog-spot:

His comments regarding The Scotsman article are interesting as are the comments it generated. The article is rather long and is not reproduced in full anywhere except on The Scotsman’s own web site. There are a few interesting comments following the article which is entitled Breaking the Code.

To go to the The Scotsman page containing the article click here or on previous links.

We hope to create a page devoted entirely to The Lost Symbol and the recent speculation as to the plot line, who might be the heroes and villains, what part Freemasonry might play and what is the ‘secret’ (there is always at least one in Brown’s novels!)

More (hopefully!) to follow…

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