Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

The Masonic Authors’ Guild International

Wednesday, March 26th, 2025

The Masonic Authors’ Guild International (MAGI) was launched on 24 February 2024.

Since that time more than 150 hours of podcasts are available. You can listen or download these. MAGIs mission is to promote the highest professional, academic and educational standards in writing (and other media) on Freemasonry and related subjects.

The MAGI website went live on 21st February 2025. It contains links to the podcasts and the MAGI Facebook page It shall contain a wealth of material on Freemasonry. For example, research Lodges and societies, sources, papers and interviews. The website is at an early stage. It will take time to come to its full potential – please bear with us!


The Lost Symbol – Breaking the Code

Following our post, below, about Freemasons trying to anticipate what might be in Dan Brown’s latest novel we were rather ‘caught on the hop’ because the day after that post a major article appeared in The Scotsman newspaper entitled The Lost SymbolBreaking the Code. To make matters worse the publication of said article did not reach us until recently. Sad to say US sources reported on the article almost as soon as it was published. We are a bit abashed by that and now there are Post-It notes on our screens – check the press more often!

The first blogger, so far as we know, to pick up on the story was Brother Chris Hodapp, author of Freemasonry For Dummies, on his blog-spot:

His comments regarding The Scotsman article are interesting as are the comments it generated. The article is rather long and is not reproduced in full anywhere except on The Scotsman’s own web site. There are a few interesting comments following the article which is entitled Breaking the Code.

To go to the The Scotsman page containing the article click here or on previous links.

We hope to create a page devoted entirely to The Lost Symbol and the recent speculation as to the plot line, who might be the heroes and villains, what part Freemasonry might play and what is the ‘secret’ (there is always at least one in Brown’s novels!)

More (hopefully!) to follow…

The Lost Symbol

Thursday, August 6th, 2009

The Lost Symbol - USA cover

The Lost Symbol - USA cover

We have heard that a group of learned Freemasons have been calculating what the plot of Dab Brown’s latest novel, The Lost Symbol, is likely to be. These Masonic scholars were alerted to the possible inclusion of Freemasonry in the plot line by the recently published covers of the novel and by a discussion of them which was posted on the Grand Lodge of Scotland web site – click here or on previous links to go there, but please remember to use the back button to return here!

We understand that the Masonic scholars involved have examined the two covers and have come to the conclusion that The Lost Symbol will of necessity use Freemasonry in some way. This first conclusion regarding the novel is based on the use of alleged Masonic symbolism on the USA cover and that conclusion is further reinforced by the prominent use of the Square and Compasses on the cover of the novel as it is to be released in the United Kingdom (see below left).

The Lost Symbol - UK cover

The Lost Symbol - UK cover

The reason why publishers use different covers for different parts of the world is a mystery to us but on this occasion it seems to have been of great assistance to those Masonic scholars attempting to anticipate the contents of The Lost Symbol.

It seems that the two covers are intended to appeal to different countries. The USA cover has the Capitol building prominently displayed. Although that building is also displayed prominently on the UK cover an additional feature is the prominent use of the Square and Compasses so familiar to English Freemasons (Scottish Freemasons more often than not place the capital letter ‘G’ in the centre of the Square and Compasses). The UK cover may therefore be intended to seduce ‘British’ Freemasons although as already explained that use of the Square and Compasses does not apply in Scotland. This is one, small, example of the failure of non-Masons (in this case Dan Brown and his publisher) to understand the nuances of Freemasonry across the world.

This is not the place to go into this kind of detail as, after all, it is the private language of the Craft. The point is however, that many, many non-Masons comment on Freemasonry as if they actually know what they are talking about. Dan Brown is but one in a long succession of such writers.

For that, prime, reason we applaud this small group of Masonic scholars, a Think Tank if you will, who are attempting to anticipate what Dan Brown might say about the Order. In other words they are attempting to be proactive rather than reactive.DC's 'secret' architecture

As the Capitol building, Washington DC, is used on both covers suggests that it is probably central to the theme and plot of the novel. That particular building has enormous resonance for democracy, Freemasonry and Brother George Washington. The Masonic historians have examined the founding of the USA, the founding fathers and the parts they played and examined various theories already in the public domain about Freemasonry and the founding fathers. One example are the books by Davd Ovason on the alleged Masonic symbolism deliberately included when planning Washington D.C,  On these and other subjects we shall return in due time.

It is our understanding that their ‘prequeal’ forecasts might well be made public in the very near future. If so, we shall endevour to post their findings here immediately we become aware of their publication.

Finally we hear that a web site is to be created which will be dedicated to analysing The Lost Symbol once it has been published. We shall attempt to provide a link to that site as soon as we know the URL.

Rosslyn Chapel Appeal

Wednesday, August 5th, 2009

As we previously reported Rosslyn Chapel Trust have been granted £7.1 million of taxpayer’s money to restore the chapel. However, it now seems that this sum is insufficient to do the job and so the trust has launched an appeal for more money – £2.25 million to be exact.

An attractive brochure has been produced explaining the need for the additional money. To download a pdf file of the appeal document click here or on the previous link. Please note that this is a large file (5mb.) We shall provide a smaller version as soon as possible.

More to follow…

Updating the web site

Tuesday, July 28th, 2009

Since the web site was refreshed a great deal has happened in relation to Freemasonry, Rosslyn Chapel and associated subjects. So much in fact that we hardly know where to begin! Do we start with the most recent news and work back, or begin 6 – 12 months ago and work forward? Someone has just shouted “do both!” and that might not be a bad idea.

Updating the web site will obviously take some time so please bear with us as we do so, remembering always that this is done by volunteers in their own time. We hope to make a start this coming weekend…

International Conference on the History of Freemasonry

Monday, January 12th, 2009

We have just learned that the amazingly successful ICHF conference of 2007 is to be repeated in May 2009 – probably for the last time before it moves to another country. The organisers argued, successfully, that as 2009 marked the 250th anniversary of the birth of Scotland’s National Bard, Brother Robert Burns, ICHF should again be held in Edinburgh. This was in the hope that not only papers on all aspects of Freemasonry would again be submitted but on this occasion new research into the life of Robert Burns and especially the impact of Freemasonry on his life and work would be submitted. For further details please click here to go to the conference web site via any previous link.

Cracking the Freemasons Code

Monday, January 12th, 2009

Freemasonry continues to hold a fascination for many people, fuelled no doubt by numerous books and even a Hollywood Film, yet many of these books are written by people who are not Freemasons and the small number which are written by Freemasons they are not Scottish Freemasons. Why should this matter? How can non-Masons have a genuine insight to the Craft (as it is often called) when they have not experienced an Initiation, Passing and Raising (to use Masonic parlance.) The answer is simply that they cannot.  Why should that matter? Quite simply because to be a Freemason one has to experience the process of becoming a Freemason but also to subsequently participate in ‘Freemasonry’. This is something that a non-Mason cannot provide in their musings, written or otherwise, regarding Freemasonry.

Cracking the Freemasons Code is a straight forward explanation of Freemasonry from an entirely Scottish viewpoint. No other book offers that kind of insight. For those live in the USA and Canada you might wish to order directly from the publisher Simon and Schuster by clicking here or on the previous links.

International Conference on the History of Freemasonry – ICHF

Monday, January 12th, 2009



The first International Conference on the History of Freemasonry – ICHF was held over the course of the weekend 25th and 27th May. It was preceded by the NYOS Staffa award ceremony which was sponsored by the Grand Lodge of Scotland – the home of Scottish Freemasonry. The award ceremony and the conference were held in Freemasons’ Hall, Edinburgh. A report has been posted here of the conference.

Rosslyn Chapel to get Taxpayer’s money for restoration

Monday, January 12th, 2009

It has been announced that Rosslyn Chapel Trust Ltd. has been awarded taxpayer’s money to restore the chapel despite making £500,000.00 from visitor’s admission fees (£7.00 per person) during 2006.



Rosslyn Templar to run Marathon for Charity

Monday, January 12th, 2009

Brother Robert Currie is due to run the Edinburgh Marathon in May. All money raised will be donated to the Children’s Hospice Association Scotland (CHAS)


Sunday, January 11th, 2009

The Rosslyn Templars are regularly asked to supply books which are reviewed or otherwise mentioned on this site. We have explained before that we do not sell books as that does not within the scope of this site. However, recognising that some visitors do wish to buy books we have added (where possible) direct links to Please note that we will try to provide suitable links (provided that Amazon stock the book) for all books on the site but this is likely to take some time so please bear with us until this is completed.